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Submission & Registration

Registration and Conference Fee

Registration categories and fees are as follows:

  • Standard fee: €350

  • Early-bird fee (by July 21st): €300

  • PhD fee: €250

  • Gala Dinner fee: €65 + VAT

Online Registration here

Submission and Important Dates

Interested authors should submit their paper by email to ribafconference_milan@unicatt.it using the following format for the file name: NameOfTheTrack_SubmittingAuthorSurname.pdf*

Paper/Extended Abstract submission: June 30th 2024

Notification of Acceptance: July 14th 2024

Early-bird fee payment: July 21st 2024

Standard fee payment: September 1st 2024

Submission of final version of the paper: September 15th 2024

Conference dates: September 26th-27th 2024

* Names of the tracks: Transition Finance, Energy Finance, Financial Technologies, Geopolitical Risk or “Other” if the topic of your paper doesn’t fit into the four suggested areas.